How Do Doctors Test for Food Allergies

Everyone is well versed with the term food Allergy. This problem occurs after eating a certain kind of food.  An allergic food reaction can be life-threatening sometimes.  But still, very fewer people can tell that from which food they are allergic. The food allergy reaction sometimes mild or sometimes serve. 2 out of 10 people have a food allergy which sends them in the hospital to cure.

Food allergies are life-threatening and serious

There is no specific food which causes allergy, it may occur in response to any type of food. Some peoples are Allergic to single food and some with multiple but this thing is confirmed that food allergy starts from childhood. Some food allergies are mild whereas some are very harsh. Still, there is no cure for food allergies but it helps a lot in cure if you stop taking that food from which you are allergic for a while. But it is very important that you should know the symptoms of food allergy such as :

•    Swelling in mouth

•    Vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain

•    Low blood pressure

•    Trouble breathing

and there are lots more. But how to find that from which food you are allergic? Like how do doctors test for food allergies?   There is no confirm test which tells you about food allergy but doctors still consider various factors for allergic reactions.  Food allergy testing is used to find out from which food you are allergic. Such as in Food Intolerance Testing Toronto, your allergist performs a physical exam first after that about your symptoms. After this various tests such as :

•    Oral test: first of all, your allergists give you different kinds of food to eat in the form of a capsule or injection. After this, you will closely be watched after having food. Your allergist will start treating you if any reaction occurred after eating that food.

•    Your family history of Allergies

•    Blood test :

•    Elimination diet: in this diet, you may be asked to eat various food for a week or two after that once in a week. This helps a lot in detecting link symptoms to any kind of food.

•    Skin test: in this test, a particular food item is placed on the skin of your forearm, then allergists of Food Intolerance Testing Toronto pricks your skin and allow a tiny amount of food under your skin surface. If any bumps raised on your skin it means you are allergic to that food. Keep this thing in mind that a positive reaction to this test isn’t enough to tell you which food you are allergic to.

The only way to avoid allergic reactions is to avoid that food which causes signs and symptoms. 

Treatment: There is no proper treatment of any allergy only avoiding that food is best for you unless for minor allergic reaction prescribed antihistamines may help reduce symptoms whereas for serve allergic reaction an emergency injection or a trip to an emergency room is required to cure this problem.


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